Ever since I was first introduced to the computer at 4 years old, I've been super into video games. A lot of my childhood was spent playing whatever I could find on our old PCs, my DS lite, and whatever other piece of technology I had access to. A lot of those games are now either very obscure or straight up lost. This page is dedicated to re-exploring those games, to finding what is lost, and to also explore games I never got to before. From Flash games, to CD-ROMs, MMOs, to DS games, and more. This page will mostly focus on old or obscure games, but I may include some recent ones.
*Games rated 18+ will not have any explicit, in detail descriptions, or imagery of adult content. I will try to keep it as brief and non-descriptive as possible. Due to the nature of such games though, viewer discretion is advised when viewing them.*
**There will be spoilers discussed for every game! Also you can click each image to enlarge it.**
Video Games

Elegant SeaHorse

More to come!