9/22/2024 Back

The other day I happened to get an ad on Youtube that was made entirely out of AI. And it really made me sit down and think for a while. The issues of AI are not new, they've been around for a year or two I believe. But I've never really gotten an ad made by them before. It was an ad from a company too advertising their app.
It looked like someone filming themselves with a phone, but the person was clearly AI generated. The eyes were strange, the movements were odd, and the voice was off. Why could they of not just recorded themselves doing this? Was it neccessary to make it AI? It didn't loook good either, the eyes couldn't even blink correctly. It amazes me anyone at this company thought this was a quality ad to advertise their app.
One can only hope that in the future this won't be the norm. I'd hate to see our world be filled with nothing but AI creations. It's already started in some areas.
I do think AI has its benefits and if utilized right it could be a great tool to assist us. But the way people have gone about using it is awful. I don't appreciate how it's led people to become lazy and unprofessional with their work. True artistery comes from the amount of love and hard work one puts into their creations.
I don't mind when AI is used for silly purposes like memes, because those are meant to be bad and not taken seriously. But when it starts taking people's jobs and being used as if its "professional" like with that Youtube ad, it does have me worried.