8/11/2024 Back

Life has been very busy for me lately. So many big changes have occured! I got my first job ever recently and it's been going really swell. I love my coworkers, the work I do, and talking to all the customers. I'm not even a very social person myself but it's really been helping me break out of my shell (but my goodness does it leave me exhausted after the day is done XO).
It feels great making my own money finally too. One step closer to my dream of getting away from my parents.
I finally found something that helps with my mental health and anxiety too (which thank goodness I did because if not I'd be such a wreck!). Its been meditation. Something I never thought I'd ever get into, but it just happened one day and it's brought so much peace to my rambunctious mind. I know in the future I'm definetely gonna need to look into getting therapy and/or anxiety meds but for now this will do.
I'm gonna get Supporter soon for Neocities, something I've been wanting for quite a while. I really like this place and I wanna stay on it, so I wanna give some support back to it! And I also wanna get the cool features like more space/file types/etc. because I have plans for future projects that'll benefit from that.
I wanna make an entire archive of the Blueycapsules comic! I remember somewhere a long time ago the team saying they wanted to make a website to host their comic on. While that of course will never happen now officially with the comic being cancelled, I wanna make my own! It'd be not only the comic itself but also the extra stuff too! I might make it its own website since Supporter would let me have multiple websites, but we'll see!